Would you like to make a difference, one child at a time?
Would you like to be a voice for the best interests of the most vulnerable children in Ashland County?
Are you looking for a meaningful and rewarding opportunity to help children in our community find safe, permanent homes, as soon as possible?
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children who are in the Juvenile Court system due to abuse, neglect, or dependency.
We are seeking volunteers to be trained in the process of fact-gathering and making informed recommendations to the Court. The CASA volunteer should be a caring adult who tries to understand the child’s concerns and discerns the best interests of the child.
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer, complete the application here or contact the CASA Team Lead via email here or phone: 419-281-3788 or FAX 419-289-9412.