What is Wraparound?

Wraparound is a process which develops and carries our plans for children, individuals and their families who have very complex needs. Families who have used traditional services may find Wraparound helpful in meeting the family’s identified needs.
The Wraparound process is implemented with the involvement of those people important to the family.
Wraparound improves the lives of families by building on their strengths. It encourages them to make helpful, caring connections in the community. The Wraparound process ensures that services are focused on the needs of the individual and his or her family.
What Can I Expect?
A team facilitator works with the family to identify four to ten people who know the family best. People involved can be family members, a minister, a close friend, a coach, or others that are natural supports to the family, along with agency personnel. These people form a family. team. The team works together to achieve the goals chosen by the family.
The individual family has:
- a choice about the services they receive
- A voice in the manner in which they receive services
- ownership of decisions that affect their lives
The facilitator, trained in the Wraparound process is responsible for keeping the team focused on the family’s goals. The family works with the facilitator to ensure the plan is right for them.
Completed Form can be emailed to Mary Jansen Diversion Clinical Coordinator and Wrap-around Facilitator or faxed to (419) 289-9412