Youth Intervention Services

Youth Intervention Services

Youth Intervention Services (YIS) is a Mentoring Program administered by AFF in cooperation with the Ashland County Department of Job & Family Services and Ashland County Juvenile Court.  The outcomes of the program encompasses these components:

  • developing positive one on one relationship with a trusted adult mentor
  • working with behavior issues including reducing truancy
  • developing positive peer relationships by group activities
  • programs and educational sessions for parents of adolescents
  • developing youth assets through programs like community service and involvement in positive, community-based activities
  • intervention methods specifically aimed at keeping the family unit safely intact

Participants may work through the Power Source book/curriculum/program  to help them identify their strengths and take control over their lives while increasing their understanding of the emotions and beliefs driving their high-risk and offending behavior.

Jeff HutchisonTeam Lead
Gregg Ashbrook II
Beth Buford
Stacey Castellucci
Billy Edgell
Jeff Hutchison
Jordan Lawson
Tom Roepke
Mike Schaefer
Amy Watson

For referrals, please complete referral form and EMAIL to Jeff Hutchison  or FAX (877) 277-3297.