Here’s a little about Beth!!
- How long have you worked for AFF? I have worked at AFF for 2 years at the end of this August.
- What do you love about working here? I love the flexibility of my schedule, I love working with the staff.at AFF. I love being able to mentor kids and go into schools and teach them how to make good decisions, and help them know they are heard and will get through the teenage years and overcome adversity.
- Education? I am a graduate of Ashland University receiving a degree in early childhood education.
- Hobbies? I love gardening and being outdoors doing walking, jogging, hiking and being in nature listening to and identifying birds and identifying plants and trees and enjoying creation.
- Future Goals? Enjoying my husband and my two sons and grand-children.
- Where are you from? I was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
- What is something interesting about you most people don’t know or do know? I lived in Los Angeles and also in the DC area in my 20s and moved to Ohio in my 30s.
- What inspires you each day? Knowing that I have a reason and a purpose to be on earth at this time.
- Favorite movie, show, book, song, or artist? I always liked Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie books. The Sound of Music is one of my favorite all time movies.