'#creatingabetterfuture' Tagged Posts
Team Spotlight: Beth
Here’s a little about Beth!!

Team Spotlight: Stacey
Stacey is a mentor, 3E Group Facilitator and a Wraparound Facilitator. Here’s a little about Stacey!
Team Spotlight: Mike
-Bachelor’s in Political Science from Wittenberg University -AAS in Hotel, Restaurant, and Fitness Management from the Community College of the Air Force -Lots of education and certifications in my previous roles within the Ohio Air National Guard
Strengthening Families Program 1/25/24
Another amazing and fun night helping families grow together!
Strengthening Families Program 1/18/24
“The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally. Parents and youth attend weekly SFP skills classes together, learning parenting skills and youth life and refusal skills. They have separate class training for parents and youth the first hour, followed by a joint family practice session the second hour.” (https://strengtheningfamiliesprogram.org/) Here are a few pictures from Advocates For Families first night of the Strengthening…
Grand Opening
Thank you to everyone who came by last night to celebrate Advocates For Families grand opening of the new building!! We are so blessed to serve such an amazing and loving community. May God continue to bless our families. Special thanks to our awesome Director Catherine Swope and our board members. Thanks to visitors Mayor Matt Miller, Chamber of Commerce, Juvenile Court staff, Appleseed Counseling, along with other local agencies, partners and friends. Thank you to the generous donations to…
CASA Mixer/Training
Our first Ashland CASA mixer/training was a success!! David did an amazing job going over the court process for how our cases work! As usual it is a pleasure to see our awesome CASAs in person!! Please let David or Katlin know if you have any trainings you would like to see and some snack options for the next one!! #ashlandcountycasa#ohiocasa#howthecourtworks#creatingabeautifulfuture
Blessings cont.
More pictures from the 1/19/2023 Blessing done at the new Advocates for Families building!!
The new Advocates For Families building is coming along! Thursday there was a blessing done in the building. Terry Wardle, Bill Ludwig, Tommy Theisen, and John Swope prayed over the building and AFF staff. Community members joined us in writing blessings in the form of bible verses, quotes, prayers, and lyrics. Amazing things are to come! #blessings #amazing #greatthingstocome #advocatesforfamilies
Staff Christmas Retreat
Today Advocates For Families had their Staff Christmas Enrichment! There was group bonding activities, riddles, a gift exchange, batteries, Chipotle, and a cookie decorating contest. The staff at AFF is truly amazing, welcoming, and caring! #coworkers #advocatesforfamilies #christmastime #enrichyourselves
Holiday Help
A reminder of the holiday help available in the community:
New Building!
Thank you to everyone who has supported, donated, or helped Advocates For Families make this building move possible!! Our move in date is quickly approaching and we are excited for new adventures in the new building!
Team Spotlight: Alec Parker
Alec is a Mentor, Group Empowerment Facilitator at Black River, Wraparound Facilitator at AFF!!
Team Spotlight: Alexandra Robbins
Alex’s passion is helping clients find hope and make good choices to believe in a future for themselves where they can achieve their goals and have healthy boundaries and healthy relationships. I love the positive impact of being part of AFF, a unique and targeted local effort serving local communities. I am a native Spanish speaker and enjoy substitute teaching at Mansfield Spanish Immersion school where my kids also attend. During my down time, I enjoy many creative and artistic…